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Hi everyone!  We are so happy you found us.  For up-to-date information, our library of articles and interviews, upcoming workshops in your area, and more, please visit our website.  Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and receive the 25 minute version of our film for free!

Thank you very much for your interest!  Hope to see you at a workshop soon!

Why do we need natural Birth?

Birth and Death are the most neglected, stripped off their power, mysteries in our civilization, replaced by perverted, empty rituals, wrapped in perpetual denial, fear and drama.

We will gather again soon to do some wonderful work-play-dance-laugh-cry-and-laugh-again together. Some people are flying from Europe to California, some are driving down the street to meet here to make a group effort to further anchor the new birthing paradigm on this planet, upgrade our own nervous system, create the new reference point within it that would allow the rapid expansion and deeper sense of well being. Never before there was a more perfect moment for it!!! And there was never a more urgent need.

With c-section rates sky-rocketing all over the world, reaching 95% in the third world countries and the mass mentality around childbirth being at it’s all time lowest, we hope that together, we will leap towards our beautiful Future and give birth to a yet newer quality of the Birthing Field and re-code our own relationship with it, in one, combined, co-creative impulse, so our creative Life Force could flow fully, unobstructed. Every one of us was already working wholeheartedly in this direction, doing our best, but there is something to be said about the group dynamic that multiplies hundredfold each individual’s effort and magnifies the final outcome.  It definitely has to do with the powerful SPIRALING VORTEX OF THE BIRTHING FIELD that any group that gathers with such intention can conjure up. That Vortex has the healing power of acupuncture for Earth at the point where it’s anchored. It’s an amazing, life changing experience, -to have the honor of being a part of it.

(As a secondary effect, my goal for this course is to discover a new technology of spiritual downloading of the new blue print into the same physical body, replacing the old, outdated one. I really want to know if we can upgrade our DNA. That kind of stuff can not be done alone, and should not be – it’s a tribal thing)

So looking forward to it!


About the Course

Puppy Pile Berlin 2011

Limbic Imprint Re-Coding (LIR) modality is a form of art. The Birthing Field is the governing agent of the experiential, free flowing format.  While this work started as birth preparation practice 31 years ago, it has expanded far beyond that.  LIR is beneficial for anyone, women or men, who wish to experience life directly and without fear.  It is especially beneficial for, but not limited to, childbirth preparation.  The full curriculum includes topics rarely discussed and consists of 17 processes and 19 exercises.

My approach is simple: I guide the group to acquire a new imprint.  The experience of being conceived, born and raised in a loving and nurturing environment creates vivid, rich and sweet new reference points as alternative ‘basic settings’ in the nervous system.

In a safe and supportive space of the workshop, a group goes through a dynamic blend of modalities: specific movement, visualization, breath-work, gentle touch, role-play, storytelling and more.  All techniques are geared to alter the original painful limbic imprint from conception through early childhood.  Thus, a new zone of emotional comfort aligned with our Soul’s conscious intention is created.  By shifting the state of mind into a slightly altered perception, participants are allowed to access their Free Will.  From that place, many new positive choices can be made about living in a world of safety, compassion, and alignment with The Birthing Field, or the ultimate vortex of Creation, which allows us to become creative from the place of dignity and power, whether we are creating a new baby or any other wonderful project.

The emphasis is not about going deep into our original birth trauma, but in arriving back from it, victorious! It is about recovering our original impulse to be born on Earth at this time, and remembering who we are and what brought us here.  We shed the confusion imposed on us during our early years.  It’s about getting a fresh start so we can experience our true, direct connection with the Source from which we emerged.

Which techniques will be called forth is dependent on the group.  The techniques are different and build upon each other.  Utilizing concepts of epigenetics and neuroplasticity, new neurological pathways that do not trigger painful emotions are created, invoking a powerful healing effect.   Some techniques are specifically designed to uninstall the harmful ‘programming.’ Experiencing them in the workshop from a pre-cognitive part of the psyche allows a lasting positive change. It can neutralize the negative intra-generational emotional patterns in the family and clear pathways for an abundant creative and sexual flow.

This work is also beneficial for men who desire healing from circumcision, deal with infertility, intimacy issues, severe addictions, or want to prepare themselves for a birth attendance.

While LIR is not promoting any specific kind of childbirth, it establishes a very reliable, conscious connection with birthing energies.  It supports women to give birth as Nature intended, free from fear and complications.  The course is also extremely beneficial for birth attendants so their own birth trauma is not subconsciously projected onto the Birthing Field during Delivery.  It is also extremely beneficial for those struggling with infertility, PTSD, miscarriages/stillbirths, loss of loved ones, as well as for those planning a C-section to aid fast recovery and healthy binding with the baby.

The effectiveness of this approach is due to simultaneous engaging of the cortex, reptilian and limbic parts of the brain and bringing them into harmony with each other. Through alignment, new perspectives can be reached that illuminate all aspects of life.

Birth Into Being – What we’re all about

A short introduction to Birth Into Being International.

“The prayer for this work is in the name of the unborn children who are getting ready to come down here…so they maintain this beautiful connection (to source).”

We can raise the level of consciousness through the children that are coming in right now.  Check out our  and on our website for the full international event listings.

Who would you be if you could be everything you are?

About Birth Into Being Workshops

By Elena Tonetti, Founder of Limbic Imprint Re-Coding

There are a lot of healing modalities out there that involve effective, but very long and expensive treatments. It’s better than nothing, but most of the time, with the due date rapidly approaching, a pregnant couple does not have the luxury of a long time and a large sum of money. The fact is, the shift into healing can be very fast and easy. It’s like having a old splinter in one’s foot that is infected and painful. It’s been there for so long that the nervous system has learned to cope with it and the walking pattern now favors this hurt foot. One goes to the doctor to look at that splinter, to talk about it, to apply medication and such. The splinter actually needs to be removed from the foot, then the healing can rapidly happen.




The pain that most of us carry deep inside from our formative period acts like that old splinter. It’s a tiny bundle of a highly compressed, but large volume of energy, frozen in the very core of our being. It is needle stuck in the heart.

It can be removed in minutes. I’ve seen it hundreds (maybe thousands by now) times.

I often have psychotherapists in my groups. When they hear me say that psychotherapy has a very limited and slow healing effect because it only works with one aspect of the whole system (the cortex, through thinking and talking), they get understandably defensive and say that they have wonderful results with their clients. To which I reply, first of all, that it usually takes too long and costs a lot, which they usually don’t mind. But secondly, the damage was done during the formative period, in the pre-cognitive part of the brain, called ‘limbic system’. At this time, the cortex was not developed. That’s why it takes so long – psychotherapy tries to work with a body part that was not even there at the time of the actual experience of birth trauma.

I found it most effective when all parts of the brain are engaged equally, at the same time – reptilian, limbic, cortex and neocortex, – that’s what creates a new reference point in the nervous system – one of alignment and well-being. It establishes the dynamic of instant healing. (Then I might also ask a psychotherapist if, with everything they know, are they free from deep pain and fear in the core of their being? …if they are able to enjoy happy intimacy and healthy relationships? …and if they, indeed, are able to, was it through the talk therapy that it was achieved? No, no and no.)

Of course, I only asked those who came to my workshops, at the end of which they were able to immediately experience freedom from all of the above, for the first time in their lives. It really does not require years of looking at it and talking about it. All it takes is finding the proverbial ‘Free Will’ and using it, recovering our intention for this lifetime and claiming the power. There is never been a time when it was not available. (We had a hint in “Wizard of OZ”: Dorothy just needed to click her heels!)

Check out the “upcoming workshops” tab on tumblr for USA events and go to Birth Into Being Upcoming Events for the global listings. We hope to see you soon!

The Socially Accepted Violence Against Pregnant and Labouring Women

When we change the way pregnant women are treated, how society prepares women for birth and nurtures new mothers, when we train healthcare professionals and update hospital policies with the latest sound research… then we will be on our way to creating a society without violence.

via The Socially Accepted Violence Against Pregnant and Labouring Women.

Here at Birth Into Being, we focus on creating a healthy environment filled with Love and Bliss.  The work we do, Limbic Imprint Re-Coding, goes to the core of inhibiting patterns that manifest as trauma and birth complications and release them with the new imprint of Love and Safety.  The result of ongoing joy and openness would not come if we focused on reliving the trauma and further imprinting pain into our emotional and physical bodies. However, this article makes important points that are the reason we choose to focus on the Bliss of birth, instead of the trauma.  For that reason, here is the most positive quote from the informative article. 

Stunning and powerful photos of natural birth

‘A day or so after I first posted the images on my blog I received an email that said “I’m not pregnant at the moment nor planning to become pregnant any time soon, but I know now that when the time comes to go into labor one day, there is nothing to be afraid of. Thanks a million!” That pretty much sums up why I think it’s important to share images that reflect birth positively,’ she said.

See more here 


Upcoming 16 day Facilitator Training in Chico, Ca

We have a new descriptive flyer for the upcoming workshop!

Who in your circles would benefit most from this powerful healing?  Please share and spread the word.  course description ad chico dates



Kin 1: Red Magnetic Dragon (SelfExisting Moon Silio 14 / Thursday 31 October)

Lovely way of looking at the current moment in time-space through the birthing lens! Looks like we’re in for quite a ride 🙂 Good thing we’ve cleared the way for the new flooding of energy.

Women of the World

My wish for the women of the world is for us to get to know, understand and appreciate each other. I wish we would learn to see each others struggle and strength with respect and compassion. To support each others needs, desires and beauty. To help build each other and create a community so we can raise our children in the safety of a tribe, in which peace and common sense prevails and the sacredness of each individual is recognized.
I am privileged to share this planet with you, my dear sisters!
Together, we can make it into a beautiful home for us and our children.

Much Love,
